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The University of Utah charges fees for single IRB (SIRB) and Human Research Protection Program HRPP) reviews. We follow a flat rate fee structure for all federally funded projects subject to SIRB review, so no matter how many changes are needed or documents you need approved, you can plan your budget years in advance.

Competitive Rates

The University of Utah IRB is a department within the University of Utah and not a for-profit entity. Founded in 1850, the University of Utah is the state’s public flagship institution and top-tier research university.

We act independently from the University with its approval and review of research, there is no pressure or potential conflict with a board of directors or venture capital funding allowing for competitive review fee rates.

UU Fee Waiver

As a major research institution, the University of Utah is a recipient of federal research grants. To maintain compliance with federal guidelines, when the University of Utah is a research site in your study (including data coordinating services), the UU SIRB will waive the portions of your single IRB review fees related to protocol review.


By utilizing a flat rate fee model, all submissions from the previous year are included in the annual fee. By not allowing cost to become a factor when it comes to submitting required changes, investigators can focus on updating information or protocols when needed, reducing the potential for deviations.

There is never a charge for review of an event report or deviation report.

Consent Forms

Some IRBs charge additional fees if a study has more than one consent form. The UU SIRB’s fee structure means there is no additional charge for multiple consent documents.

We believe a study should have as many documents as needed based on the protocol, not costs. If it’s best for participants to have different consent forms or multiple translations, please do what’s best for the participants without worrying about breaking your study budget.

Request a Free Quote

Be prepared to budget for IRB fees in your grant application. Request a fee quote from the IRB as early as possible. We need the following information to prepare your quote:

    • The title of your study
    • The first and last name of the principal investigator and their professional/institutional affiliation
    • Whether the University of Utah will be a participating site
    • The number of sites that will need IRB review
    • The number of years you anticipate the study needing IRB coverage

Request Your Free Quote

Learn More About Single IRB Fees

We recommend you review our full fee policy as you prepare your study budget.

Learn More