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Home Resources Resources for Study Teams

Are you part of a research study team relying on the University of Utah for multisite SIRB approval?
These resources may be useful to you as you prepare to submit information about your site for SIRB review.

How It Works
Learn more
about the SIRB process.
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Preparing Your Protocol
Learn how to write a protocol for multisite research.
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Consent Documents
Learn how to prepare your consent documents for SIRB review.
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The SIRB Review Process
Learn how the entire process works, from beginning to end.
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Learn how to lead multisite Exception from Informed Consent (EFIC) research
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Submitting an Application
Learn how to prepare and submit a Continuing Review or Progress Update.
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Closing Participating Sites
Learn how to prepare and submit a Site Closure or Final Project Report.
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Need assistance?

Contact us to speak with a member of the SIRB Reliance Team.

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